Timetable, Study Tools, Maps and Nearby Students for Your College/University
Take control of your student life. Manage your classes and stay on top of your calendar with the powerful and built in Schedule feature. See other nearby students and stay connected with all your friends. Don't know what you want to do? Explore events from your campus (available at over 1000 campuses).
* Featured on What's Hot and Top Education Apps. Used by students at over 1000 campuses across the world, we strive to help you make the best of your student life.
Always know what's next in your student life
+ Class - Manage your classes, create to-do & reminders, and stay on top of assignments.
+ Campus feed - Join the campus discussion. Share cool tips, photos or questions with the rest of your campus.
+ Students - Connect and chat with students from campuses around you.
More features to help you in your student life
+ Campus Guide ** - Access your campus directory, clubs and student deals.
+ Challenges and Tours ** - Exclusive OOHLALA events to connect with your campus using augmented reality technology.
+ Campus Map - Never get lost on campus.
** Available at OOHLALA Premium Campuses
OOHLALA is home to thousands of campus clubs, if you want to bring your campus club to OOHLALA, visit our website http://www.gotOOHLALA.com
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions!
Twitter: @OOHLALAapp
Email: [email protected]
Web: http://www.gotOOHLALA.com
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